Television can have a powerful effect on kids. It can be positive and it can be negative. The key for parents is to make smart choices to monitor the types of programs their children watch and how often their children watch TV. As parents and…
Author: Principal's Blog
Note from the Principal
Dear Parents, NYA family wishes you all a very happy and blessed new year 2023! We all recognize that the world around us is changing at a pace that was never seen before. It is getting increasingly complex with the developments and challenges of nature…
Parents Reading with Their Children at Home
Needless to say, books have always held an important place in the home. The book, called Reading Magic, makes the case that reading aloud to children helps them develop an interest in books, encourages those first words, inspires them to learn to read themselves, and creates a special bond between child and parent. After all, reading with your children gives them the skills needed for when they start to…
Why is it important for your child to arrive at school on time?
There are many benefits your child will gain from arriving on time to school and class. Did you know? The likelihood of success in learning is strongly linked to strong participation in school programs which is linked to arriving on time. It is very important…
Note from the Principal
Dear Parents, We have come to the end of the first month of school! The beginning of the year is a very important and a very challenging time as students, teachers and parents are all getting used to the new setup including new classrooms, new…
Welcome – Note from the Principal
Welcome Back! We Missed You!! On behalf of our entire New York Academy staff, I would like to welcome you all! I hope you had a wonderful summer break and you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year! At school, extensive collaboration, planning and hard…
The Importance of Breaks and Vacations in Learning
In a series of recent studies, short physical activity breaks in the classroom showed improvement in students’ behavior, increasing the effort they put into their activities as well as their ability to stay on task. Both students and teachers benefit from using unstructured breaks to reduce stress. Why Student…
A Sense of Belonging
At New York Academy, we aim to support and strengthen students’ social and emotional growth. As I have written in several of my blogs, when students feel socially and emotionally confident and secure, they are better able to achieve academic growth. The question becomes, “What…
The Importance of Parent Teacher Conferences and the School to Home Partnership
The purpose of the parent/teacher conference is to clearly communicate the student’s progress in school, and in the case of a student who is having difficulty, to enlist the parents’ cooperation in the effort to address areas for growth. It is important to approach each…
New York Academy’s Approach
Traditional Factory Age Approach to Learning Vs. Conceptual, Networked Age Approach to Learning I had the pleasure of reading a piece that did a compare and contrast analysis of ‘old vs. new’ approaches to education. Make no mistake, we know more than ever before what…